Meet Jillean


Jillean Veroneau, MS

Founder of San Diego Neurotherapy

Jillean has over 8 years of experience in Neurofeedback. Starting out as a Neurofeedback Technician in Boston, she saw the benefits Neurofeedback provided as an alternative to medication. She is fascinated with all things brain-related, and knew right away she wanted to continue to help people with this powerful treatment modality.

Jillean received her Bachelors in Psychology and Biology from Roger Williams University in 2011 and her Masters in Applied Psychophysiology from Saybrook University in 2020. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Applied Psychophysiology at Saybrook University. Her previous experience includes working as a Pediatric Neuromodulation Therapist at Cortica, a leading neurological clinic for Autism and Neurodevelopment Disorders. She also has experience as a Neurofeedback Practitioner at a private psychological practice, providing Neurofeedback training sessions for children & adults with a variety of conditions such as ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Insomnia and sleep disorders, OCD, PTSD, Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Concussions, as well as Peak Performance training.

During her free time, you can find Jillean enjoying the San Diego sunshine with her two dogs at the beach. She loves to hike, go camping, and do activities where she can be in nature. Her current favorite book and recommendation is “The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science” by Norman Doidge.


About San Diego Neurotherapy

San Diego Neurotherapy was founded on the belief that Neurofeedback should be accessible to all.

Traditionally, Neurofeedback has only been accessible in an office, and with recommended training of at least 2 times per week, it can be difficult to commit to a program. San Diego Neurotherapy allows you to access the same quality services, all from the comfort of your home and on your own time.

States of neurophysiological over-arousal or under-arousal can contribute to why you may be manifesting symptoms of anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD), and a variety of other stressful conditions. By addressing the root cause of the problem, symptoms improve and the brain learns to function more efficiently.

At San Diego Neurotherapy, we have a passion for helping individuals reach their fullest potential, regardless of differences.




Who does Neurofeedback work for?

Many scientific studies and controlled studies on using Neurofeedback are a treatment method for various mental disorders. Neurofeedback has successfully treated epilepsy, sleep disorders, and ADHD, and ADD. It has been successfully applied in clinical settings for more than 30 years, particularly in treating ADHD and ADD. Neurofeedback is an evidence-based treatment with proven efficacy, as demonstrated in a recent meta-analysis. Outside of a clinical context, athletes and business professionals use neurofeedback to improve performance by enhancing concentration, focus, and emotional control.

A course of Neurofeedback sessions can have the same effect as ongoing intake of psychostimulant medications like Ritalin, for example. However, the benefit of Neurofeedback is that ongoing treatment is rarely needed after the course length, and medications can be avoided altogether.

What results can be expected from EEG Neurofeedback Training for ADD/ADHD, Autism, and other disorders?

EEG Neurofeedback is highly effective, especially in conjunction with supporting care (i.e., parent counseling, educational intervention, etc.). The program brings substantial improvement for many people who can strengthen brain functioning and learn more effectively; these individuals can then work up to their true potential at school or at the office – higher test scores and better job performance often follow. Also, the training curbs impulsive behavior and reduces hyperactivity. As the person’s behavior becomes more socially appropriate, his/ her social skills and life improve accordingly; with these encouraging changes, self-esteem and confidence significantly increase. Many patients also report relief from other symptoms, such its headaches, teeth grinding, and sleeping difficulties.

How many sessions will I need?

Neurofeedback is a learning process for the brain, where the brain re-wires itself for better functioning. A typical training regimen includes 40 sessions of neurofeedback, with each session lasting about 30 minutes. We strongly recommend participating in training 2 times per week; this seems to be the optimal frequency to maintain steady improvements without causing fatigue. Because it typically takes about 20 sessions before we see consistent benefits, we ask for an initial commitment of 20 sessions (10 weeks). Over time, you will see the effects last much longer and eventually become permanent. Some individuals have noticed differences after the very first session. Evidence shows it takes, on average, a total of 40 sessions for the changes to be lasting.

Generally, once the brain has adopted a new pattern, the results last. However, if you are confronted with an unexpected life challenge that affects the brain (trauma, brain injury, loss of a loved one, extreme stress), you might need maintenance sessions or “tune-ups.” These typically involve only two or three sessions to get the brain re-stabilized and back on track.

Do I have to be located in San Diego to access the training program?

No! Since the program is remote, you can be anywhere in the world and still be able to sign up and get support over telehealth.