Discover your Brain’s Potential

Get accessible and personalized Neurofeedback services from the comfort of your home.

Remote Neurofeedback in San Diego, CA or wherever you are in the world

Neurofeedback from home, on your own time

Our approach

We believe in harnessing the brain’s innate ability to self-regulate and perform at its peak when given the right tools. Neurofeedback therapy is a non-medicated, non-invasive way to improve brain functioning.

This is done by training brainwaves (EEG) through a process known as brain plasticity. Neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity, refers to the brain's ability to change and improve throughout life. The key concept behind neuroplasticity is “neurons that fire together wire together.” Neurofeedback therapy helps to regulate brainwave patterns to a more desirable state.


“"In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy it would be universally accepted and widely used. Neurofeedback is a field to be taken seriously by all."

— Frank Duffy, MD Neurologist, Head of the Neuroimaging Department and of Neuroimaging Research at Boston's Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School​

Our blog


Getting Into a State of Flow

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Executive Functioning: How this life-long skill benefits your child.

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Why the Gut is Called “The Second Brain”

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Your Brain On Meditation

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